Peter Drucker

A manager is responsible for the application and performance of knowledge.

TAC Cloud offers a set of fully managed, less trouble, and optimized database services that fully support open-source database engines.

Our database services automatically and continuously manage and monitor your database health and hardware securely. Whenever issues are detected on your database, Alibaba Cloud will locate it and fix it for you. You no longer need to worry about the issues and enjoy a great experience throughout the life of the database.

TAC Cloud offers fully managed database services. We monitor, backup, and recover your database automatically so that you can fully focus on your business development. To provide more stable and scalable database services, Alibaba Cloud optimized the source code based on the open-source database engines. Our database services, such as ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL and ApsaraDB RDS for PPAS have lower risk compare to the other services using the community edition.

Application support : creating sustained value

Value can only be gained from an enterprise resource planning system if an application management strategy is in place, supported by tried and tested methodologies and tools. Deloitte has identified five key dimensions to develop a world-class application support framework. These dimensions are:

  1. Strategy
  2. Governance
  3. Organisation
  4. Process
  5. Technology