Winston Churchill

The price of greatness is responsibility

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a Leader

Leadership is the one central and most important element of successful management teams. The difference that good leadership can make to an organization - often reflects starkly not only in company performance but also in team morale. One of the biggest challenges leaders face though is in answering the question - What do we do to deliver value?

At FocusU we have helped leaders in answering this question, by working with them to deliver answers for a few critical questions:

Leadership Presence

This elusive “something” that a few people have makes them come across as compelling individuals who attract attention almost effortlessly. They have something that pulls others to them effortlessly. When they enter a room, it is as if the energy level increases. People stop doing what they are doing and focus on them. It’s as though a spotlight shines on them. This elusive “something” is variously called as “Presence”, “Power Presence” or “Executive Presence”. A few others (including us) like to term it as “Leadership Presence.”

Team Alignment

Teamwork seems the most natural thing to most people - and yet, it is something that needs deliberate effort and intent to make it happen. The biggest challenge for Team Leaders is to get everyone in the team aligned towards the same goals - and share the same values. While building alignment and a great team is an endeavor that needs patience, time and effort - it is possible to put the team on a fast track towards this goal by a facilitated session of Lego Serious Play that builds engagement in the most non-intrusive ways.

Improv for Leadership

When you ask people what they think of when they hear the word “Improvisation” or “Improv” – the usual responses are: “Spontaneous”, “Witty”, “Winging it”, “Creative” or “Hilarious.” This is perhaps because Improv as a topic in popular culture became famous because of the TV show, “Whose line is it anyway?” Improvisation and comedy are not synonymous. Comedy is just one of the byproducts and benefits of improvisation. Mostly Improv is a device for expanding comfort zones, learning new competencies, and actively looking for and creating opportunities.